Sleepy Hollow Trail Riders Association is committed to maintaining the equestrian trail and staging area at Sleepy Hollow State Park. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Trail Issues: Please notify SHTRA of any safety issues on the SHSP Equestrian Trails. Remember to provide the trail marker letter or landmarks to assist in the location of the concern. Thank you!

Sleepy Hollow State Park
7835 East Price Rd
Laingsburg, MI 48848


Board of Directors

President:               Marsha Putnam

Vice-President:      Lori Coffin

Secretary:                Chanda Donnan

Treasurer:                Pat Brown

Membership:           Chanda Donnan

Webmaster:              Barb Drake

Facebook:                 Barb Drake

Trustee:                     Marsha Korroch

Trustee:                     Dr. Cynthia Trombly

Trustee:                     Mary Mallory

Trustee:                     Rosie Johnson